Anne Edmonds & Lloyd Langford | Adelaide Fringe | Review

Business with Pleasure at the Garden of Unearthly Delights, Adelaide Fringe


Review By Cath Leo

Anne and Lloyd might be best known to you from their appearances on Channel 10’s Have you Been Paying Attention‘ and previous Adelaide Fringe Festivals, or in Anne’s case her work as the hilarious beauty expert Helen Bidou on Get Krackin’ and the covid comedy special At Home Alone Together, hosted by Ray Martin. According to the letter from their GP to their fertility specialist, Lloyd also “drinks heavily and is unemployed”… and Anne also describes him as the most famous Welsh comedian in Australia!  

But this year they come as a double act, bringing tales of being locked down in Melbourne for 4 months in a one bedroom flat together, as well as separate stories from their Covid experience or just life in general.

We entered the magnificent Spiegeltent in the Garden of Unearthly Delights and saw a QR Code on stage prompting us to scan it and send a question to the couple. They soon entered together for a lively intro, bouncing off each other with banter that felt real, and interacted with the audience while regularly teasing us for the ‘Wednesday night’ energy.. or perhaps we were upset about Tiger Woods’ car accident that happened that day.

The audience loved them though, with the show continuing on with Anne front and centre while Lloyd exited the stage (with occasional heckles coming back from stage right), and then Lloyd taking over for a portion, finishing with the two returning for a final section together when they read out questions from the audience. I loved Anne’s cheeky and honest tales from her stint on the reality tv show The Real Dirty Dancing… the crowd was in stitches over her imitations of the southern American locals who were enlisted as guests at their dance performances, or how Jamie Durie coped with her lack of dancing skills. Or just her confusion as to what the show was meant to be all about! 

I totally recommend this show! The references to their relationship are hilarious, and honest (how awesome to include their fertility investigations.. and of course made good tales of Lloyd regarding his testing procedures) but not sickly sweet either. These two are down to earth, self-deprecating, hilarious and bring their own unique energies to the stage – Anne with her pizazz and mock glamour and dance moves, Lloyd with his slow and flat voice and uncontrollable giggles.

I just love them. Go see their show! 


things to do in Adelaide for families

For more information and all enquiries please visit the Adelaide Fringe website.

What: Anne Edmonds and Lloyd Langford – Business with Pleasure

When:   Friday 26 – Sunday 28 February 2021

Where:  The Spiegeltent, Garden of Unearthly Delights

Who:  Adults

At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change.

Image Source: Adelaide Fringe 


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