Beyblade Tournament
Kauri Community and Sports Centre is hosting a 90 minute Beyblade Tournament session for $10 per player.
During the first half of the session, the kids are led in a series of Beyblade skill-based events such as Longest spin, Dead-shot and Last Man Standing. The kids are then given some general practice and refining time, allowing them to really hone their spin skills and try different Burst piece combinations.
After a short break it’s Tournament time. The Beyblade Board lists all the kids by their warrior names and the battles commence. First to 3 points wins and moves up the ladder until only two remain for the Grand Final. These last two master players face off in the Super-Elite-Battle-Arena. Kids who are knocked out early are encouraged to continue playing with a series of different arenas around the room or to watch the battles.
Funtime Kids Parties will facilitate the event. Recommended for ages 5-12.
Bookings essential
For bookings and details, please contact Michael on 0436 924 867 or
Participants are asked to arrive 10mins early so that they can start on time.