dotMaze: Get Lost! | Adelaide Fringe 2015 | Review


Get Lost inside DotMaze at the 2015 Adelaide Fringe!

dotMaze: Get Lost! from UK company dotComedy and presented by Royal Croquet Club and Bamboozled Productions, is a fun, quirky and intriguing adventure for the whole family!

Once you enter the maze you are free to explore – turn left, turn right, turn back….and look behind you!  With two children taking the lead to check each and every corner, the dotMaze had us startled, skeptical and confused, but overall it was a lot of fun!  For around 30 minutes you are free to wander around and investigate the strange goings on inside the green walls.  The dotMaze will entertain and surprise you, plus it may even scare you!

We were given tips from different characters, some motioning for the children to come closer so they could whisper a secret, which in turn led us to another area of the maze to ask another character a question.  Look out for the tiny fairy door, play games with the twins and ask the tea pot for a cup of tea, please!

The characters inside the maze play their parts beautifully – from the family straight out of the Ladybird book “Where We Go” including their dog “Pat” to the spider woman in her web of wool.  There are secrets to learn and paths to follow before you exit….a section of the maze on the way out may be a little scary for little ones, but reassure them the people are actors and are just playing their part in this theatrical garden.


See the FringeTIX website for remaining performance times.

For more information about this artist visit the dotComedy website here.

What: dotMaze: Get Lost!

When: Until 15 March 2015

Where:  Royal Croquet Club (north side) | Victoria Square /Tarntanyangga, Adelaide

Who: Rated G

Play & Go Adelaide have been granted media access to the Adelaide Fringe 2015.  All reviews are our own opinion from personal experience, unpaid and not influenced by the artist/s and/or promoter/s in any way.

At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change.

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