Halloween Scavenger Hunt | Kent Town Hotel | 31 Oct 2016

kent town hotel halloween scavenger hunt

Halloween Scavenger Hunt at the Kent Town Hotel

The Jungle will transform into a spooky Halloween maze filled with lots of haunts and surprises! All little ghosts, zombies, witches and wizards are welcome!

Dress up and bring in the kids on 31 October 2016 for the Jungle Halloween Trick or Treat Scavenger Hunt at the Kent Town Hotel! Doors at the Jungle open at 5.30pm. Scavenger hunt starts at 6.30pm and goes until 7pm.

Spookish clues to find treats or treats! Dress to impress & Win!

Kids eat free* (One kids meal for one main adult meal).

Please call The Jungle to book on (08) 8362 2116 | Bookings are mandatory.

For more information and all enquiries please visit the Halloween Scavenger Hunt Facebook event page.

WhatHalloween Scavenger Hunt

When: Monday 31 October 2016 | Doors open at 5.30pm | Scavenger hunt 6.30pm – 7pm

Where: Kent Town Hotel | 76 Rundle Street, Adelaide

Who: Everyone

At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change.

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