Bubba-Licious | Adelaide Fringe | Review

Bubba-Licious Adelaide Fringe 2023 Review

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️   5 Stars for a bite-sized show perfect for the miniature bubble enthusiasts among us!

Review by Jane Sze-To

Bubba-Licious is a fun, well-curated introduction to the Fringe for our little Bubbas. There is seating available on the floor for the keen beans who are ready to dance and have a great time, or ample benches available for those who prefer to appreciate from afar. Don’t let the title confuse you, this show is way more than just bubbles! 

There are many songs interspersed throughout that the Bubbas can sing, dance & clap to, one of our favourites being the Wanjoo “Welcome Song”. This is a beautiful Noongar song sung in language by Gina Williams that translates to “welcome welcome beautiful friends, welcome welcome strong friends, we are happy to see you”. 

Our other favourite parts included, seeing a caterpillar grow into a butterfly, a puppet show, meeting some giant furry friends and of course, lets not forget ALL. THE. BUBBLES! 

All of these made for a captivating show, where one minute our Bubbas were jumping up and down, crawling around and dancing, and then  being still – mesmorised by the beautiful colours and props. 

The show is a clearly well-thought out experience specifically designed with our little Bubbas in mind, and we applaud the team for such a beautiful production! 

While all the shows are currently sold out, we have been told that Bubba-Licious are doing their very best to add some more shows in the last week, so keep an eye out for those! 

(Plus one more picture of these rainbow light wings, because they are to die for, and I need them for myself)


For more information please visit the Adelaide Fringe website.

At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change.

As per all our Play & Go reviews, this is not a sponsored post. The Play & Go team review via media accreditation and when kindly invited.

All photos by Play & Go Adelaide (unless specified)


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