Coonalpyn Silos Art | South Australia

Guido van Helten Coonalpyn silo artwork

Photo by Guido van Helten

Coonalpyn Silo Artwork

Coonalpyn is now the home of a huge 30 metre artwork by internationally acclaimed street artist Guido van Helten.

The Viterra grain silos are fast becoming one of the most photographed artworks in Australia with many of the thousands of travellers on the Dukes Highway stopping their cars to take a look at this tiny destination 200 kilometres south-east of Adelaide. Guido van Helten has received acclaim for his Brim silo mural in Victoria and has worked on large scale projects all over the world. This project was done during February and March 2017 using 200 cans of paint. The locals and visitors alike excitedly watched the artist in action, and enjoyed seeing the artwork take shape.  The cylinder shape of the silos lends itself for the mural to be wrapped around, encouraging spectators to walk around to see the portraits from different angles.

The project is part of the Creating Coonalpyn initiative which aims to attract more visitors to the little township and bring the community together through art. The scheme which also includes other artworks was funded by the council in collaboration with Country Arts SA and local business sponsors. Already there are two new businesses that have opened as a result – a grocery store and the Coonalpyn Silo Cafe. What a fantastic initiative. We’ve had great feedback that the coffee and waffles are fabulous!

The subjects of this stunning artwork are local primary students – Kiarah Leske and Blake Thompson (6 yrs old),  Macey Jacobs and Reef Gregor (5 yrs old) and Ciara Johnson (9 yrs old). What a thrill for these kids – the future of Coonalpyn – to be portrayed in this way.

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