Gymbaroo offers a comprehensive, early childhood development and parent education program for families with children 0-5 years of age. These programs are based on over 30 years of research in the neuro-development field.
While children have fun rolling, spinning, tumbling, climbing, dancing and exercising their way to developmental readiness for school, parents learn about their child’s development and how they can help their children be successful achievers.
GymbaROO was founded on the basis that particular natural learning experiences are essential for being able to learn and read easily at school. At GymbaROO we work on the premise that learning is sensory motor based and can be systematically developed on a physiological basis to promote academic readiness. In today’s world we believe the ‘wait and see’ and ‘she’ll be right’ attitude is fraught with risk. There is just too much interference from the modern way of life.
This means that babies and small children need lots of appropriate sensory stimulation and lots of opportunities to move.
Because the brain develops in a very logical and sequential manner certain sensory and movement experiences are more beneficial at certain ages. For example the brain is most receptive to learning language in the first 11 months of life. It is the same for motor development. The patterns of movement are like building blocks for the next level of movement skill. That’s why babies crawl on their tummies before creeping on all fours, cruising the furniture and finally walking.
At GymbaROO our classes are based on the appropriate sensory and movement experiences required for healthy brain development. We are not focused on making children better than anyone else. Our aim is to help children develop to their own potential, whatever that may be.
Babies Classes
Classes with your baby give you the opportunity to learn how to provide activities at home to help your child learn about their world and get a jump start on their education.
Most of the infant sessions focus on tummy time to help your child to gain the important sensory-motor stimulation required for learning. Research has proved that tummy time is one of the most important stages to help your child to learn more about himself and his environment.
The classes are graded non mobile and mobile (commando crawling and creeping) and cover activities such as massage, auditory activates, movement, gentle exercises, music, rhythm, dance visual tracking and lots of ideas for tummy time.
Toddler Classes
For this age group we cover various areas of development- gross motor and fine motor. The sessions are structured which create some challenges for your child. Each session begins with 10 minutes free exploration time on our large equipment. This enables your child to socialize with other children and for parents to meet each other.
There is a term’s theme and the children bring along an object for the week. This part of the session is important for language, social interaction, tactile experiences, imagination and reinforces the word of the week which is quickly flashed to your child. The children then have mat time which starts with bubbles and music. This part of the program lasts 20 minutes. This is followed by more time spent on the large equipment where children can develop new skills and explore. The session concludes with music and parachute time.
Being involved in your children’s learning enhances love, security, joy and learning.
Gepps Cross
Croatian Sports Centre | State Sports Park, Main North Road
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St Columba’s Anglican Church Hall | cnr Cross Road & Rosevear Street
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Tea Tree Plaza
Westfield Tea Tree Plaza | Main North East Road, Modbury
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Free Sessions
GymbaROO offer a free session so you can see exactly how we run the classes. There is no obligation to join.
The cost of a 10 week term is $180 which includes your first free visit.
Contact: Call Anne on 0401 685 730 for information about all classes and bookings
Website: | (go to website)
Facebook: Gymbaroo Hawthorn Adelaide Facebook page