I’m A Raindrop, Get Me Outta Here! | Adelaide Fringe 2022 | Review

I’m A Raindrop, Get Me Outta Here! – Adelaide Fringe 2022 – Review

by Carla Caruso

★★★★★ 5 stars for a fun, educational caper with heart

Sometimes it can be hard to drag yourself away from the Garden or Gluttony during the Fringe.

But I’m so glad I did detour from the city for this kids’ theatre show. I’m A Raindrop, Get Me Outta Here! had a run at Star Theatres in Hilton during February. And it had a whole lot of heart and a special educational message.

The show is the brainchild of SpudPuppy Productions – an emerging creative company, based in Melbourne.

It follows talking raindrops – Rocio, Reef and Millie – on an immersive adventure, discovering the effects of climate change throughout time. Through dance, singing, comedy, and audience participation, we learn a tonne.

The caper takes us walking with the dinosaurs, hiking up Mount Everest, and hanging out with kids working in the coal mines during the Industrial Revolution.

Along the way, we also meet some fun side-characters, like French raindrops Pitter and Patter – “it is time for us to escargot” – and Prime Minister ‘Scout Harrison’. When a journalist asks: “How was your summer holidays?” amid the bushfires, Harrison quips: “Debbie’s Christmas prawns were a bit of a natural disaster eight hours later.” Diarrhea, in other words.

There’s also a funny scene when raindrop Millie winds up in someone’s stomach. At the large intestine, she’s handed hot towels by an attendant as though embarking on a flight.  “Please enjoy your stay. Excretion is in 1500 hours.”

When Reef gets a “spicy feeling” in his body, alas, it’s because he’s turned into acid rain. Coal mining has released pollutants into the environment. Rocio bemoans: “People have [long] been priotising their own personal gain over the environment … If it continues, in just a few hundred years, the Earth is going to be in peril.”

Millie offers up a stark solution: “I’ve got it. Why don’t we all just move to Mars?”

The show ends on a positive note, though, emphasising that while people may feel small, we have the power to make a difference. Millie encourages us all to “make some noise and seize the day” by writing letters to politicians and beyond. “Raindrops can become snowflakes, who can then become an avalanche.”

While the show’s season ended on the weekend (one session including an AUSLAN interpreter), we hope to see it at schools, community centres and more in future. It packs a punch!

Please note: there are some mild strobe effects during the show.

Review by Carla Caruso

For more information, please visit the Adelaide Fringe website.

What:  I’m A Raindrop, Get Me Outta Here! – Review

When:  26-27 February 2022 (season has ended)

Where: Star Theatres | 145 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Hilton

Who: Everyone (Rated G)

At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change.

Image Source: Adelaide Fringe


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