Semaphore Foreshore | the Beach, Jetty and Carousel | Review

Semaphore Beach

The Semaphore Foreshore is a hive of activity during the warmer months with a host of traditional family attractions including a jetty and carousel.

Located on the corner of the Esplanade and Semaphore Road, the foreshore is watched over by the ‘Semaphore Angel’ positioned on top of the War Memorial Clock which was built in 1925 after the First World War. The first Christmas Carnival was held in 1920 to raise the money to pay for this Memorial Clock.

The City of Port Adelaide Enfield has released the revised Draft Master Plan for Semaphore Foreshore – VIEW HERE

Highlights of the foreshore include the Fort Glanville train rides during the warmer months, an historic carousel, the Semaphore Summer Carnival during the summer school holidays and of course the beach and jetty.  There are also some great shops, cafes and restaurants on nearby Semaphore Road.

Semaphore foreshore

Semaphore foreshore

The Semaphore Foreshore Reserve is a large grassy area with ample room to run around and kick a ball. There is a fully fenced undercover playground here next to the kiosk, a skate park, picnic and BBQ facilities and access to the beach and jetty.

There are convenient beachside showers and the path that runs along the foreshore is perfect for a leisurely coastal walk, running or riding bikes and scooters.

On the other side of the foreshore are public toilets and if you walk along the path down in front of The Palais you’ll find another playground.

Semaphore Park

Semaphore Park

Semaphore is the perfect spot to enjoy time outdoors with your family with options to play on or off the sand. The beach itself is great for kids with soft white sand and low, gentle waves.

If it’s a little too cool for a swim you can always build sand castles, fly a kite, throw a frisbee or play with a bat and ball.

This beach plays host to the Adelaide International Kite Festival each year.

Semaphore foreshore

The jetty is a Semaphore landmark and today is approximately 585 metres long.  The entrance to the jetty is next to the shed for the Fort Glanville heritage steam train, which is operated by the National Railway Museum.  Read our review here of the Semaphore to Fort Glanville Railway here.

Take a walk to the end and try to spot the schools of little fish swimming in the shallows.  It’s a lovely view from the end of the jetty looking back at Semaphore and along the coast.  It’s a great spot to drop a line too if you like to fish.

Semaphore Foreshore

Semaphore Foreshore

The Semaphore Carousel

The Semaphore Carousel has been a resident of the Semaphore Foreshore since 1938.  It is believed to be the largest operating carousel in Australia with 40 handcrafted wooden horses.  The carousel is housed in an undercover enclosure to protect it from the elements and is a unique venue to hire for private parties and functions.

Semaphore Carousel Opening Hours

  • Summer | 10am to late
  • School Holidays | Everyday 10am to 5pm
  • Weekends/Public Holidays | 10am to 5pm

(Carousel is closed on Christmas day and during days of bad weather and high heat). Please check with the Semaphore Carousel Facebook page for regular updates.

Semaphore Carousel

Semaphore Foreshore

things to do in Adelaide for families

For more information and all enquiries please visit the Semaphore Carousel Facebook page or Semaphore SA website.

What:   Semaphore Beach, Jetty & Carousel

When:   Beach & Jetty – All Year  |  Semaphore Carousel (see opening hours  above)

Where:   Semaphore Foreshore – cnr Esplanade & Semaphore Road, Semaphore

Who:   All Ages

Main Carousel image from the Carousels in South Australia and Beyond Facebook page.  All other images by Play & Go Adelaide 2013.

At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change.

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4 Responses to “Semaphore Foreshore | the Beach, Jetty and Carousel | Review”

  1. September 22, 2013 at 7:14 pm #

    hello, just wanted to say what a fantastic website this is. ill be moving to SA early next year and this will be my go to website. thank you.

  2. September 22, 2013 at 7:16 pm #

    Thanks for your kind words. That’s fabulous. We look forward to telling you about all the great things to do around Adelaide.

  3. December 13, 2014 at 2:57 pm #

    lovely! thank you!

  4. June 7, 2015 at 10:37 am #

    Live in Geelong and am looking forward to exploring South Australia and riding the carousel when we visit next week.

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