Sleepless Nights | A poem by Kyles Covark of Pickles & Pords

sleepless nights pickles and pords

We came across this beautiful poem in our Facebook feed and had to share it. Obviously it resonated with everyone else too as it quickly received thousands of likes, shares and comments. We were delighted to discover that it is an Adelaide mum who penned these heart warming words. Kylie Covark, who has her own blog, Pickles and Pords, wrote this poem after a sleepless night with her baby earlier this week.

She commented, “It has really touched my heart that so many of you have found something in it that you are able to connect to… In the middle of the night we are all alone, together.”

Sleepless Nights

by Kyles Covark of Pickles & Pords

You call for me at midnight,
You call for me at four.
Sometimes with a gurgle,
More often with a roar.

The night is big and lonely,
And you are oh so small.
You’d like to see your mummy,
And so, my love, you call.

It’s late and I am sleepy,
And so, my love, I grumble.
And as I pick you up again
You hear my tired mumble.

But nonetheless I hold you,
Rock you back to sleep.
I promised I’d be there for you:
A promise that I’ll keep.

Then maybe later down the track,
(In eighteen years or more!)
You’ll call me once again, my love,
At two, or three, or four.

And once again I’ll grumble,
I’ll moan that it is late.
But I’ll always come and find you,
I’ll never make you wait.

And there might come a day,
When you’re a parent too.
And in the middle of the night
Your child will call for you.

And then you’ll understand
That precious love so deep.
You wouldn’t trade it in
For a thousand nights of sleep.

Yet sometimes you’ll be tired,
You’ll think you’ve had enough.
Then you can call on me;
I know sleepless nights are tough.

Whether you’re a baby
Or when you’re fully grown.
You can always call on me, my love,
You’ll never be alone.

And though there’ll come a day
When we will be apart.
You can still always call on me;
I’ll be right there in your heart.

sleepless nights poem

About the Author

In a previous life Kyles was a human rights educator with a Masters in Law and a PhD. She has now tumbled down the rabbit hole and into another life. In this one she lives in Adelaide with her husband and two very tiny humans named Pickles and Pords. Part-time university teacher, some-time blogger, full-time mum. She loves travel and music. Chocolate and wine. And books. Always books. Visit the Pickles and Pords blog here or see her Facebook page here.

We originally shared this poem on our Facebook page here and it has been re-published with permission.

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