Yabarra – Gathering of Light | The Most Stunning and Important Light & Sound Display You Need To See | Fringe 2019

Yabarra Lights Adelaide Fringe

Yabarra – Gathering of Light – Fringe 2019

Free Event/Family Friendly | Karrawirra Parri, River Torrens (Adelaide University footbridge)

Stunning, mesmerising at times, and an important history lesson for all. Yabarra is presented so beautifully. Do not miss this amazing experience of sights and sounds. From the creative minds who brought us the light displays in previous years, The Fringe, illuminart and Yellaka, with the help of Novatech and Epson have outdone themselves. See our pictures below for a peek of what you’ll see, but pictures will never do it justice. This is something you need to go and experience to truly capture the essence of it all.

See our video for our first look on opening night below:


What exactly is Yabarra – Gathering of Light?

Yabarra is an immersive Kaurna storytelling experience involving large-scale light and sound artworks along the Karrawirra Parri (the original name for the River Torrens). Projected light and sound guide you through an interactive cultural landscape, sharing stories of Kaurna country. Everything you see, the animals and scenes, all have significance to these lands and to the Kaurna people.

Yabarra Lights Adelaide Fringe

Some Tips & Info when visiting Yabarra

It’s on the other side of the river from the Uni. 
If you’re coming from North Terrace you must walk via the lane between the Art Gallery and the University of Adelaide – this is the only access – if you try to go through the Uni you will find the other routes have all been blocked off. There are quite a few stairs to go down – if you require a ramp this is to the left of the stairs. Once you get to the Library Circle, the ramp stops. Veer to the left to enter the Union building and catch the lift down to Level 2 which is actually the ground floor.
Keep walking straight ahead to the exit of the Uni grounds – you will see the big white fenced off RCC to your right.
At Victoria Drive you need to cross over the Adelaide University footbridge.
You can also get to the University Footbridge on Victoria Drive via Frome Rd or the King William Street bridge.

Yabarra Lights Adelaide Fringe

It is dark along the pathway along the River Torrens between the installations. It kind of needs to be for the best impact of the lights. Just be aware of this if you have young kids. Don’t forget the river is not fenced off and the grass slopes down to the water – if you have a “runner” this is not the place to let them loose. I would suggest you dress your kids in light bright colours in order to see them better in the dark.

Yabarra Lights Adelaide Fringe

Along the river the light poles have speakers and you will hear all sorts of sounds, animal noises and storytelling.

Some of the sounds coupled with being in a dark place is a bit spooky and young children may find some parts a little scary.

Yabarra Lights Adelaide Fringe

This is a very visual experience – keep a look out up at trees, buildings and on the ground, there are projections all over the place every way you turn.
Sit for a while in different spots to take it all in. I feel that on a second visit you will probably spot something new you didn’t see the first time. Look across to the trees and the big Adelaide Uni Schulz building across the other side of the River Torrens too. There are projections happening there too.

Yabarra Lights Adelaide Fringe

Look out for the info boards everywhere – they are very informative and help you to understand the stories and the importance of each piece. It feels a bit like going on a school excursion – there is so much to take in.

Yabarra Lights Adelaide Fringe

For good photos make sure you turn the flash off and lower the brightness so that the actual lights stand out.

The white spirit guides you will see running around on the ground will guide you to where you should walk to find more things (see pic below). They dart around on the ground – if you can jump into the middle of one your whole body will be illuminated in the pattern – be quick to get a cool photo.

Yabarra Lights Adelaide Fringe

This interactive display on the building below, will show your hands on the screen when you place them on the glass panels.

Yabarra Lights Adelaide Fringe

This is a must do FREE Fringe activity for all families – in fact everyone should see it.
Yabarra is an important piece of work of our times. Take your children to see this and absorb the wonder of it all. This is education presented in the most awesome and mesmerising way. The thought and detail that has gone into the installations with sights and sounds everywhere you turn, is spectacular.
It is with more understanding of Aboriginal culture that garners respect and tolerance, which in turn helps to reduce racial indifference.
I urge you to go – don’t miss it!

For more information and all enquiries please visit the Fringe website here

Yabarra Lights Adelaide Fringe


What:   Yabarra – Gathering of Light | Adelaide Fringe

When:    Friday 15 February to Sunday 17 March 2019 | 8.30pm to Midnight

Where:   Karrawirra Parri, River Torrens (Adelaide University footbridge)

Who:   Everyone (suited to children who can stay up happily past 8.30pm)

At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change.

Image Source: All photos by Play & Go 


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