360 Allstars | Adelaide Fringe 2018 | Review

360 Allstars Adelaide Fringe 2018 Review by Catherine Leo

The 360 Allstars is a spectacular fusion of live music, stunts on wheels, breakdance, acrobatics and basketball tricks, brought to you by a stellar line up of ‘allstars’ in their field.  The performance will engage you from start to finish, with a rockin’ rapped intro, followed by each genre given their moment to shine, sometimes joining forces together.

There was light and shade, with a breakdance dual filling the stage, then Basketball Man going solo in a routine that had the audience feeling like they were in control by calling out to ‘Press the Button’ and add yet another ball to up the challenge factor.

It was great to see Basketball Man help an audience member spin a basketball on his finger too – what a star!

MC Ronan did a 4 minute rap challenge, calling for content ideas from the audience, which was my 6 year old’s favourite part of the show because “I love hip hop” he said. The live music aspect of the show was such a great surprise as we all assumed there’d be recorded background music, but all was created in the moment and was yet another way to inspire kids.

Every segment was exciting and there were plenty of ‘wow’ moments throughout, as well as comedy. Every member of our family had a different favourite performer, so it shows there’s something for everyone. I think there’s a real opportunity for the Allstars to add to their team of positive role-models by including a female cast member, I hope that might happen in the future.

I thank them for a brilliant show and also for the opportunity to take a few photos throughout – much appreciated.

For more information about this show and ticket bookings, please see the Adelaide Fringe website here.

Adelaide Fringe Families Kids


Play & Go Adelaide have media access to the Adelaide Fringe. All reviews are our own opinion from personal experience, unpaid and not influenced by the artist/s and/or promoter/s in any way.

At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change.

This review was written and photographed by Catherine Leo, professional family photographer and a Play & Go mum. See the Catherine Leo Photography website here and Facebook page here.

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