Willison-Goodman Playground | Elizabeth South | Review

Willison-Goodman Playground | Elizabeth South | Review

By Claire Davill

A tiny little park with a surprising amount to do!

Willison-Goodman Playground is the smallest of the parks to receive an upgrade as part of the City of Playford’s Four Parks Project, but there’s still plenty of features to explore here.

The park connects two quiet residential streets and provides lots of equipment suitable for younger kids. There is a toddler-sized ninja course, and small slide and stepping stones.

Adjacent is a climbing frame with a larger slide suitable for older kids, and a unique connected swing set that should provide lots of entertainment for multiple kids trying it out at the same time. There is also a small spinning pole for dizzy play.

The other end of the park provides nature-inspired stepping stones, log steps and a four-way ball basket. Keep an eye out for the painted fairy door on a nearby tree!

The recent upgrade has added a picnic shelter and drinking fountain, but there are no toilets here or nearby. While much of the playground is suitable for toddlers, the park is only partially fenced near the toddler equipment, so this is something to keep in mind with little ones.

There is also very little shade in this park, so pack the sunscreen or time your visit early or late in the day.

things to do in Adelaide for families

For more information and all enquiries please visit the City of Playford Website

What:   Willison-Goodman Playground

When:    Any time

Where:   Between Willison Road and Goodman Road, Elizabeth South

Who:   Older kids, toddlers under close supervision

At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change.

Image Source: Play and Go Adelaide


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