A Simple Space | Adelaide Fringe 2015 | Review

a-simple-space-Fringe 2015

It’s no surprise A Simple Space won Best Circus 2014 at the Adelaide Fringe last year.

This show really does need to be seen to be believed – it truly is just that good!  It ticks every single box for originality, raw talent, energy, humour, bravery, physical strength, teamwork….. and the list just goes on.

From the moment the eight members of Gravity & Other Myths come jogging into the intimate setting of The Menagerie they have the audience completely spellbound.  The opening act ‘”falling” will have you laughing and gasping as one by one they catch each other in such random order it’s impossible to know who will go next!

The ‘simple space’ they perform in complements their organic, stripped back style.

The stage is simple, the lighting moody and the vibe electric.   One member of the team doubles as a talented musician providing a fabulous soundtrack throughout the show.

The gravity defying stunts are incredibly creative, each one using a different combination from the team of eight to push the boundaries of human strength, balance and skill.  The entire show is raw and flawless, engaging the audience each and every minute of the one hour performance.  Stand out sections of the show include a hilarious skipping competition,  mind numbing skill involving a Rubik’s Cube and a fast flying finale that will leave you speechless.  A highlight for kids and adults alike involves handstands, coloured plastic balls and members of the audience!

It doesn’t matter where you sit during the show as the setting is close and equally viewable from all three sides.  If you do choose to sit in the front row however, you should know that there is a very clever, mesmerizing act involving selected members of the audience!

The bond and trust each performer has with the other is inspiring and an absolute joy to watch.  After a standing ovation with cheers and wolf whistles I think I’ll have to go and see it again!



See the FringeTIX website for remaining performance times.

For more information about this artist please visit the Gravity & Other Myths website or follow their Facebook page here.

What A Simple Space

When:  Until Sunday 15 March 2015

Where:  The Menagerie, Royal Croquet Club | Victoria Square, Adelaide

Who:  Rated G

Top images supplied by the Royal Croquet Club’s PR & Communications.

Play & Go Adelaide have been granted media access to the Adelaide Fringe 2015.  All reviews are our own opinion from personal experience, unpaid and not influenced by the artist/s and/or promoter/s in any way.

At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change.

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