Baba Yaga | Windmill Theatre Co | Review 2019

Baba Yaga by Windmill Theatre Co | Review

Welcome to the apartment building complex where no noise is allowed, no pets are allowed, no laughing, no barbecues and nothing fun is allowed. This is where Baba Yaga resides and where we are first introduced to Vaselina, the young receptionist. Vaselina is a sweet character, too afraid to make a sound for fear of upsetting the residents of the building.

We find out, through a series of images and videos projected onto parts of the set that poor Vaselina has been told by others that she cannot sing, she cannot make noise and she cannot follow her dreams. Enter Baba Yaga, an eccentric witch who wears a bright yellow coat, outrageous make up and a handbag for a hat. She is the complete opposite of Vaselina, unafraid to break the rules, unafraid to be herself, and she is “always, always hungry”.

Baba Yaga keeps cacti that flower once a year and cats that answer the phone and for this reason in Baba Yaga’s world, we are not sure where reality begins and ends. She plays two recorders simultaneously through her mouth and then her nose (very well, actually) and  she annoys her neighbours with loud music and crazy dancing at impromptu moments. She “flosses”, she is entirely different to the rest of the world and she does not care one bit. This makes her eccentric character intriguing, unsettling and extremely entertaining.

After complaints from the neighbours, Vaselina has to pluck up the courage to ask Baba Yaga to be quiet. This is when Baba Yaga comes to understand the grey, rainy world that Vaselina inhabits, that she is scared, feels inadequate and uncomfortable in her own skin. Baba Yaga takes Vaselina under her wing, up to the stars and up to high mountains to show her that she can be anything she wants and that she can follow her dreams.

The simple message is uplifting, non-judgmental and is great for kids who may relate to Vaselina as it explores ideas around identity and accepting yourself, finding your strengths and having the confidence to pursue your dreams.

The show is very engaging and both actors are fantastic.

Baba Yaga is a great show for kids aged 7-12 years with a really important message that is told with amazing creativity.

Click here to find out more about Baba Yaga.

For more information and all enquiries please visit the Windmill Theatre Co website.

What  Baby Yaga | Windmill Theatre Co

When   Tuesday 26 February – Wednesday 6 March 2019 | See dates & times above

Where  Queen’s Theatre, Playhouse Lane and Gilles Arcade, Adelaide

Who  Ages 7 -12 years

At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change.

Image Source: Windmill Theatre Co


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