Bubblegum Cabaret by Circus Oz | Adelaide Fringe 2019 Review

Circus Oz are back in town bringing their unique flair and own brand of fun to The Fringe.

Circus Oz feature in the Adelaide Fringe program with two shows – ‘Neon‘, an 80s inspired “gloriously gaudy” showcase for adults-only, and  Bubblegum Cabaret’, a bright, fun and contagious circus treat made especially for kids.

Whilst this is a show created with the kids in mind, Bubblegum Cabaret is an absolute gem that is as enticing for adults as it is for children. 

In the saturated ‘circus/physical theatre’ category Circus Oz manages to stand out from the crowd with its wickedly cheeky personality, cracking soundtrack and brilliant sense of fun, entirely backed up by breathtakingly impressive stunts.

From the moment the music started in the Corona Theature in the Garden of Unearthly Delights we were hooked. Each member of the ensemble oozes a sense of cheeky fun whilst treating the audience to a delight of acts including acrobatics, extreme-hula hooping and ‘more-hoops-than-seems-possible’ juggling.

It’s the effortlessness with which the ensemble perform these stunts which makes the show particularly impressive and enjoyable. Each performer is a true master of their art, leaving the audience in awe of their skills and blissfully unaware of any exertion.

Bubblegum Cabaret is a brilliant, fun way to absorb the essence of the Adelaide Fringe. It is family-friendly without resorting to cliche slapstick gags or needing to ‘dumb down’ for a younger audience. 

Genuine and uplifting this is a perfect show to enjoy with your favourite ‘all ages’ crew.

Bubblegum Circus is playing in the Corona Theatre, Garden of Unearthly Delights on Saturdays and Sundays until 3 March 2019, at the family friendly time of 3pm.

For more information and all enquiries please visit the Adelaide Fringe website 

What:   Bubblegum Cabaret, Circus Oz

When:    Saturdays and Sundays until 3 March 2019 at 3pm

Where:   Corona Theatre, Garden of Unearthly Delights | Cnr East Terrace & Rundle Rd, Adelaide

Who:   All Ages

At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change.

Image Source: Circus Oz


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