Funtastico | Adelaide Fringe 2017 | Review

Funtastico | Fringe Review

This mysterious show is all about the power of imagination. Pierre Ulric talks about the power of science, history and imagination and how it influences the creation of illusion.

Ulric is quite mesmerising to watch as he performs a mix of illusion, magic, hypnosis and cards seamlessly. Before performing an illusion, Ulric explains the history of how some of these illusions are created then leaves you baffled as to how he actually achieved it in reality.

Even one of the standard illusion tricks featuring the three solid ‘gold’ metal rings which clunk together and dangle from each other are mysteriously pulled apart without even the slightest noise as though wafting through each other. Must be that powerful imagination of mine! Or maybe he hypnotised me so that I am simply left with the wonder of how such things can be.

How on earth did oranges and a coconut suddenly appear from underneath a hat? Either way, a little mystery makes life interesting, makes you wonder about life and ask questions and I think that’s what he wanted us to do!

This is a great show for all the family, but perhaps more suited to slightly older kids who can sit and concentrate on the illusions that are happening before their eyes.

For more information about this show and ticket bookings, please see the Adelaide Fringe website here.

See our posts about all things Fringe here.

What:    Funtastico | Adelaide Fringe 2017

When:   Saturday 18 March 2017 | 3.00pm

Where: The Arch | Holden Street Theatres | 34 Holden St, Hindmarsh

Who:    Families (G Rating)

Play & Go Adelaide have media access to the Adelaide Fringe 2017. All reviews are our own opinion from personal experience, unpaid and not influenced by the artist/s and/or promoter/s in any way.

At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change.

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