Massaoke Musicals | Adelaide Fringe Review

Massaoke Musicals at the Adelaide Fringe 2020 - Review 

Massaoke Musicals at the Adelaide Fringe 2020 – Review

by Cath Leo

★★★★ 4 Stars for a joyous show

This was my first ‘Massaoke’ production and I went as part of a ‘Girls Night Out’, with the birthday girl in the group choosing the show to see. I expected to probably have a nice time but that it wouldn’t exactly be ‘my thing’, but that would be ok….

Was I proven wrong?!  I humbly raise my arm in a fist pump to Queen and say YES!

It turns out that I DO actually love a whole range of musicals, and while I’m not a massive lover of Karaoke, the appreciation of the music from my childhood (The Sound of Music, Evita, Rocky Horror Picture Show) to my adulthood (The Greatest Showman, Wicked) just lifted my enthusiasm in unexpected ways! I found myself doing the ‘Tea, a drink with jam and bread’ actions, and the Time Warp alongside my high school friends like we were back at a school social! And once they started ‘This is Me’ from the Greatest Showman, there were more hands in the air than a Hillsong church service! And don’t get me started on ‘I Dreamed a Dream’…. *wipes tears from eyes*

Funnily, the lyrics on screen had many of us saying  ‘I never knew that was the actual lyric!’ so it proved educational as well!

Massaoke Musicals Adelaide Fringe Review

The audience, which leapt to the standing/dancing section immediately, was surprisingly filled with people of all ages. The cross-section of musicals from Grease and Mary Poppins through to Frozen and The Jungle Book was so inclusive there was truly something for everyone. 

Quite simply, if you love karaoke and you love musicals, OR you just like one of those, you will find the positivity and enthusiasm of the 6 piece live band all the way from Scotland, and the familiarity of the tunes just so infectious. You are guaranteed a great time!  If, however, musicals AND karaoke is not your thing… then clearly there’s plenty of other shows at the Fringe for you.

While this show’s season in The Moa at Gluttony finishes on February 23rd, you can catch their other show ‘Massaoke Mix Tape Vol.2’ which I would be happy to recommend to you if you love a singalong and a catchy song! I’m sure they will bring their same energy and quality of performance. 


‘Massaoke Mix Tape Vol.2’ is showing every remaining weekend of the Fringe at The Garden of Unearthly Delights. Suitability Rated: R18+

Adelaide Fringe Family Friendly Shows Events Reviews

This fringe review was written by Catherine Leo, professional family photographer and a Play & Go mum. See the Catherine Leo Photography website here and Facebook page here.

For more information please visit the Adelaide Fringe website here.

At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change.

Image Credit: Wullie Marr Photography


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