Operation Ouch | Live On Stage | Review

Operation Ouch | Live on Stage | Review

I finally now know which of the charming Operation Ouch twins is Dr Chris and which one is Dr Xand. In fact, it’s embarrassingly obvious. Dr Chris is rather more sensible and admits to being ”less smiley” while Dr Xand has a beard, wears green scrubs and is always smiling and doing “silly” things. These two doctors are anything but silly. They are, however, happy to provide a good level of entertainment, or as we like to call it in our family, “medutainment” all for the sake of educating youngsters (and quietly… parents) about all things medical.

The identical twin brothers hail from the extremely popular British program, Operation Ouch, a program for kids which shows things like how far a projectile vomit can reach, what happens when you break your arm and why do squinty eyes occur. Dr Chris and Dr Xand are extremely knowledgeable and do a great job answering all sorts of tricky questions that kids tend to ponder like ”how does earwax form?” and “why do your ears pop on a plane?”.

In fact, Dr Chris and Dr Xand do such a good job of explaining medical things in simple and interesting ways using great props that the show should, in fact, be compulsory viewing for all wannabe doctors and nurses. They even brought a real cows heart onstage which Dr Xand had “pre-plumbed” so that he could demonstrate the mechanics of the heart.

Don’t worry, there was also enough fun stuff to make the audience giggle and recoil in horror. We also enjoyed a few short clips from their show detailing Dr Xand’s obsession with wearing capes and eating food plus clips featuring vomit and poo, maggots eating flesh etc.

All-in-all, this was a great show which was informative, funny and entertaining. Dr Chris and Dr Xand are delightful and it was great to gain a little insight into Dr Chris and Dr Xand’s childhood and to know that they are big kids at heart – Dr Xand still travels with his treasured teddy bear, Mr Grumbles, while Dr Chris is about to pass on his beloved yellow cow toy to his new baby daughter. We highly recommend this show for all Operation Ouch fans.



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Image Source: Play & Go 


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