Peter Helliar – Loopy | Adelaide Fringe Review

Peter Helliar’s Loopy – Adelaide Fringe 2020 Review

by Cath Leo

★★★★½ – 4½ Stars for humankind hilarity

‘Loopy’ is the name of Peter Helliar’s latest Fringe show – a collection of his reflections about life, from the million things in a (near) middle aged life that have to be set in place before some sexy time can begin (the dishwasher on, the kids asleep, the bins out etc) to the loopy on both the left and the right of politics. 

For artists like Helliar, in their 21st year of performing at our fine Fringe Festival, and other comedians I listen to on podcasts, it seems a time to examine their place in the comedy world and how the world has changed since they begun their careers.  His skit that featured a re-imagining of the first landing on the moon, as if it happened in 2020, with NASA repeatedly prompting Neil Armstrong to include a few more acknowledgments (women, disabilities, LGBQI+ etc) in the famous ‘One Small Step for Man’ was perfect – both respectful but having a laugh about the changed landscape. Rather than simply say ‘It’s political correctness gone mad!’ Helliar suggests there’s simply a greater need for plain decency.

For someone so experienced in the stand up game, I was amazed at how ‘in the moment’ Helliar was. It felt like we were his first audience, enthusiastic to be there and genuinely connecting with the crowd. His jokes about being a dad to three boys, or husband to his wife, were so relatable and had the audience in hysterics… including one woman who seemed to have an uncontrollable constant cackle nearby to me! 

I loved his reference to the recent charitable efforts of comedians and celebrities with a proposal for when our next need arises for such significant fundraising but given the other theme with Helliar concerned about people being offended on other people’s behalf, you have to see the show to hear about that one! 

I really enjoyed this show, laughed all the way through, and found his stories both funny and a common-sense way of looking at our changing world. For a ‘big star’ from the TV, Peter Helliar is such a down to earth performer and I really recommend ‘Loopy’ for a fun night out. That’s a true professional at work!

‘Loopy’ has 6 more performances across the final two weekends of the Fringe, playing at the Vagabond in the Garden of Unearthly Delights.


Adelaide Fringe Family Friendly Shows Events Reviews

This fringe review was written by Catherine Leo, professional family photographer and a Play & Go mum. See the Catherine Leo Photography website here and Facebook page here.

For more information please visit the Adelaide Fringe website.

At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change.


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