Police Credit Union Calendar Art Competition | 13 Aug – 10 Sep 2018

Want to WIN $100 and have your art featured in the 2019 Police Credit Union calendar? Simply enter their Kids’ Art Competition…

The theme of the calendar competition is: What is your favourite thing to do in South Australia or the Northern Territory?

Thirteen winners will be chosen based on their merit and creativity by the Police Credit Union Competition Committee. These winning artworks and responses will be featured in the 2019 Police Credit Union calendar.

The Competition Committee is looking for bright colours, creativity, good technical skills and use of space.

Each winning artist will receive $100 deposited into their Police Credit Union or nominated banking account.

Competition Requirements

Artwork should be landscape, A4 size and accompanied by 25 words or less addressing the theme mentioned above.

The competition is open to children under the age of 16 and living in SA or NT.

Entrants must provide Police Credit Union with their full name, age, current residential address, contact phone number and email address. Police Credit Union will only use these personal details for administration of the competition.

Mail Submission

Artwork no smaller than A4 can be sent via post or be delivered in person to:

The Police Credit Union Art Competition
17-23 Carrington Street
Adelaide SA 5000

Online Submission

Artwork can also be submitted online and should be at high resolution (suggested 300dpi), landscape, A4 size, bright and clear. The original image must be available to be sent if required by the Competition Committee.


Police Credit Union Art Competition

For more information and all enquiries please visit the Police Credit Union website or the Police Credit Union Facebook page.

What: Police Credit Union Calendar Art Competition

When: Monday 13 August – Monday 10 September 2018.

Where: Police Credit Union | 17-23 Carrington Street, Adelaide

Who: The competition is open to children in SA and NT under the age of 16 years

At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change.

Image Source: Images Supplied

COMPETITION CLOSES: 5pm on Monday 10 September 2018


  1. The promoter is Police Credit Union Ltd (PCU) ABN 30 087 651 205 AFSL 238991.
  2. The promotion commences at 9am on Monday 13 August 2018 (ACST) and closes at 5pm on Monday 10 September 2018.
  3. The competition is open to minors under 16 years of age who are residents of SA and NT.
  4. Permission of a parent or a guardian to enter the competition is required as the winning images will be featured in the 2019 PCU calendar, PCU website and any other PCU marketing material.
  5. Employees of PCU or their family members are not permitted to enter the competition.
  6. Artwork must be submitted at high resolution (recommend 300dpi) at landscape, A4 size with 25 words or less via gleam.io or via post to Police Credit Union Art Competition, 17-23 Carrington Street, Adelaide SA 5000 or in person to your local branch by 5pm Monday 10 September 2018. Any entries received after this date will not be eligible to enter the competition.  PCU will not take responsibility for any entries not received by 5pm Monday 10 September 2018. Entrants can only submit 1 entry into the competition.
  7. Entrants must provide PCU with their full name, age, current residential address, contact phone number and email address. PCU will only use these personal details for administration of the competition.
  8. PCU will publish name, age, city of entrant, whether the winner is a PCU member and what they detail in the ‘under 25 words or less submission’ on all material that is relevant.
  9. The total value of all 13 prizes is $1300. This consists of 13 x $100 which will be deposited into the winners’ PCU account or a nominated bank account.
  10. The competition winners will be chosen by the PCU Competition Committee at 11am on Wednesday 12 September at 17-23 Carrington Street, Adelaide SA 5000 and all winners will be notified by either email, phone call or letter by Tuesday 25 September 2018. If the winners cannot be contacted or do not claim their prize within 14 days of notification, we reserve the right to withdraw the prize from the winner and pick a replacement winner.
  11. PCU reserves the right to cancel or amend the competition and these terms and conditions without notice.


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