The Farmy Farm | Adelaide Fringe | Review

The Farmy Farm: Adelaide Fringe 2025 Review

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️   5 stars for ‘legendairy’ farmyard fun for kids!

Review by Jo Parkinson

The Farmy Farm is a fabulous acrobatic comedy show designed for children aged between three and eight years. The stars of the show are Farmer Kenny, who enjoys crochet and making custard slice, and Farmer Jenny, the captain of the local footy team and a whiz on the BBQ.

Together, this hilarious duo tumble, flip, balance and show us the juggle of day-to-day life on the farm. Set to a soundtrack adults will enjoy, featuring songs by ACDC and Guns ‘N’ Roses, this show is upbeat, flows well, and entertaining from start to finish.

Kids will be amazed as they watch the seemingly impossible balancing acts, and the dizzying height of the trapeze. Adults will laugh along at the well-placed jokes and be equally entertained by the skill of the performers. There is the opportunity for children to be involved in some audience participation, in the game ‘You are what you eat.’

We loved the giant carrot juggling and strength and flexibility of the acrobatic tricks. At our session there was also an AUSLAN interpreter, which was great to see.

After the show there is the opportunity to meet the performers and even purchase a toy ‘cow paddy!’

We highly recommend this to families looking for a fun show for young Fringe fans. With a run time of 50 minutes, it is the perfect length to keep kids engaged and the tiered seating makes it easy to view.

Catch The Farmy Farm in The Factory at The Garden of Unearthly Delights until 2 March 2025.



For more information please visit the Adelaide Fringe website.

At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change.

As per all our Play & Go reviews, this is not a sponsored post. The Play & Go team review via media accreditation and when kindly invited.

All photos by Play & Go Adelaide 2025


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