Broadview Oval Playground and BMX Track | Review

Broadview Sports and Recreation Precinct (Yarnta Tutu yarta) includes a large playground with lots of accessible play equipment, a small BMX track suitable for little kids, and all the facilities you need.

Review by Claire Davill

The Broadview Oval playground is partially fenced and well shaded amongst gum trees, and includes some unique equipment. The rail-based “skateboard” ramp is popular with kids and includes two ropes to hold on to – it also makes a fun seated ride for smaller kids.

The central climbing apparatus includes ladders, climbing poles and climbing rings, and a large dual pole slide – think sliding down the stair bannisters, but with an extra rail to hold on to!

There’s a wide slide on a soft fall hill with steps, slopes and rock steps, and three accessible trampolines nearby.

There’s also a fully accessible merry-go-round with space for wheelchairs and a seat, and a large basket swing surrounded by soft fall.

Several stepping stones and logs wind through garden areas, and beyond these you’ll find a fantastic sand play area. This area is perfect for toddlers and bigger kids and includes an impressive mix of scoops, pulleys, conveyor belt, sliding buckets and sifters.

There’s also a small tunnel/climbing frame shaped like an orange slice which is the perfect size for toddlers.

Keep an eye out for the golden tennis racket lodged in a stone – just waiting for kids to try to pull it out!

A nearby set of exercise equipment acts like a mini obstacle course, with leapfrog poles, balance beam, hurdles, balance poles, monkey bars, chin up bars, leg press, sit-up bench and bicep curl.

A small BMX track sits adjacent to the playground and is fantastic for little kids, as it’s small, with gentle slopes and no big jumps. There is also a sealed bike path that circles the whole oval, with distance markers. Look for the cyclist sculpture to find the nearest point to the playground.

Things to consider:

  • The playground is only partially fenced, along McInnes Ave and part way along Myponga Terrace and between the playground and adjacent dog park.
  • There is only natural shade in the playground, so you will need hats and suncreen in summer.
  • There are picnic tables, shelter and barbeques next to the sand play area.
  • Toilets are located nearby –  beyond the dog park, near the tennis courts and basketball court. There are also toilets at the football club.
  • Bring bikes for the BMX path and bike path around the oval.
  • There is a kiosk at the football club, which is currently open from 8-11am and 4-8pm on weekdays, and weekends when football games are played.
  • The area is only an off-leash area for dogs between 5am and 8am, and 5pm and 9pm. The fenced off dog park is off-leash all of the time.


Corner of McInnes Ave and Myponga Tce, Broadview

things to do in Adelaide for families

For more information and all enquiries please visit the City of Prospect website

At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change.

Image Source: Play & Go Adelaide


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