Dinosaur Time Machine | Fringe 2016 Review

dinosaur time machine

“Two time-travelling scientists find an egg. It starts to move… For what comes next, they’ll need your help! Buckle up and take a trip in a giant time machine to get up close and personal with a life sized T-Rex. Learn about the ancient world of dinosaurs in the most exciting way possible. Two adventurous performers use science, circus, puppetry and imagination to give you a glimpse into history that you won’t forget.”

This was the show that Mr 6 most wanted to see at the Fringe after looking through the brochure. It wasn’t quite as he had expected – he was really thinking there would be an actual time machine that we might all fit in to travel back 70 million years – but he had a great time none the less!

The show is presented by Juzzy and Flick, who both clearly love dinosaurs and were very welcoming to everyone coming into the tent before the performance, letting the kids hold and touch dinosaur fossils 65 million years old (turned out to be dinosaur poo – yuck!).

During the performance they shared lots of facts about dinosaurs as well as experiments to see how dinosaurs lived. How does a T-Rex get through life with such teeny tiny arms? How would he have played frisbee? And eaten grapes? Lots of hilarity trying to find the answers to those questions! There was plenty of audience participation and a fun fact game of ‘head or tails’ too.

This was a very simple performance with basic props (apart from the T Rex who made a short appearance near to the end of the show and was actually pretty cool). Sometimes the performance from Juzzy and Flick felt a little awkward and under-rehearsed, but the kids wouldn’t have noticed any of that. My son really loved the whole thing and even managed to remember some of the dinosaur related facts afterwards!

If you have dino fans in your house, then I think this show would appeal to children up to the age of around 9 years.

Photo by 'Dinosaur Time Machine' at the show attended by Play and Go

Photo by ‘Dinosaur Time Machine’ at the show attended by Play and Go


For more information about this show and ticket bookings please see the Adelaide Fringe website here.

See our posts about all things Fringe here.

What:        Dinosaur Time Machine

When:       Friday, Saturday and Sunday every weekend of the Fringe period | 12pm

Where:     The Speakeasy | Gluttony

Who:          Young Dinosaur fans

Play & Go Adelaide have media access to the Adelaide Fringe 2016. All reviews are our own opinion from personal experience, unpaid and not influenced by the artist/s and/or promoter/s in any way.

At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change.

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