Fraser Reserve, Myrtle Bank | Playground Review

Fraser Reserve Myrtle Bank Playground Review by Susannah Marks

Fraser Reserve, Myrtle Bank

Playground Review

A splash of green in the quiet suburban streets of Myrtle Bank, Fraser Reserve is a pleasant place to relax with your small people.  It’s right in between Portrush Road and Cross Road, and unless you’re a local, or you were driving through Myrtle Bank you’d never know it was there. It’s a short walk from the fabulous Ridge Park which is one of our favourite spots for a run-around, but the play equipment here at Fraser Reserve is probably more suitable for kids under five.

Fraser Reserve Myrtle Bank Playground Review by Susannah Marks

Things we like about Fraser Reserve

The play space is small and it may not have all the bells and whistles of some of Adelaide’s best playgrounds but it has all the things you’d expect in a playground for little people:

  • fully fenced play area
  • swings
  • castle themed fort with slide
  • shade sails
  • rubberised soft fall surface
  • seesaw
  • lots of room to run

Note: It’s also dog-friendly – from 5 o’clock it becomes a designated dog off-leash area.

Fraser Reserve Myrtle Bank Playground Review by Susannah Marks

Kids can enjoy clambering over these tree trunks.

Fraser Reserve Myrtle Bank Playground Review by Susannah Marks

There’s plenty of space to run, throw a frisbee, or kick a footy.

Fraser Reserve Myrtle Bank Playground Review by Susannah Marks

The rubberised ‘soft fall’ surface is great for adventurous toddlers.

Fraser Reserve Myrtle Bank Playground Review by Susannah Marks

Castle themed fort

The toddler enjoyed the castle-themed fort structure with its slide, step ladder and little footbridge. There was a lot of play revolving around being ‘king of the castle’ – or queen/princess/prince (insert royal title here). The rubberised play surface transformed into a moat with hungry crocodiles circling the castle.

Fraser Reserve Myrtle Bank Playground Review by Susannah Marks


There are two swings – one ‘regular’ swing and one baby/toddler swing.

Fraser Reserve Myrtle Bank Playground Review by Susannah Marks

Frog themed springy seesaw

Fraser Reserve Myrtle Bank Playground Review by Susannah Marks

Things to consider:

  • Fraser Reserve is a designated dog off-leash area after 5pm. This may be a plus or a minus depending on your point of view! We didn’t come across any unpleasant surprises on the grass area and I like to think most dog owners are pretty good at picking up after their dogs.
  • There are no public toilets

Map link

You’ll find Fraser Reserve between Glenrowan Avenue and Riverdale Road.

Click here for all the Best Playgrounds for Toddlers

See our Top Parks & Playgrounds Around Adelaide here.

About Susannah: I’m a mum to three boys and a little girl and I am learning to embrace the chaos. I love my morning coffee, exercise, cranking up some good tunes on the stereo, and heading away to new places on holiday. Originally from New Zealand, I now call Adelaide home and I love getting out and about and exploring all the fabulous things for families to do in Adelaide.


At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change.

As per all our Play & Go reviews, this is not a sponsored post and our review is done completely independently. All photos are by Susannah Marks for Play & Go.

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