Kaboom! l Adelaide Fringe 2024 I Review

Kaboom! : Adelaide Fringe 2024

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️   5 Stars for Kaboom! It will blow your mind with cool chemistry and exceptional experiments.

Review By Jo Parkinson

What do you get when you mix crazy chemistry with fun and humour? Kaboom!

Magnus D. Magnus is a self-confessed ADHD, no PhD, fan of science and his new show is set to ignite the minds of our younger Fringe fans.  Whether you have a budding scientist in your house or not, Kaboom! is an interactive family show that is not only entertaining but educational as well. Magnus is quick to explain that the D in his name stands for ‘Danger’ and that is exactly what keeps audiences on the edge of their seat throughout the show.

From bubbling brews, flaming fingers and luminescent liquids, Magnus the mad scientist shows us the magic that is chemistry through different types of experiments. With a quick wit and a few jokes for the adults thrown in along the way, the show is entertaining and upbeat. Its interactive, and kids are encouraged to call out questions.

We loved the way Magnus encouraged them by saying ‘Saying you don’t know something is the coolest way to find out.’ There is the opportunity for audience participation to help Magnus with some experiments, if they dare!

We see colour changing liquids, vortex cannons, smoke, fire and you never know what’s coming next. Magnus provides educational commentary, but in such a way that kids won’t even know they are learning because they are having so much fun. Our highlight was the incredible Elements song he has memorised, as well as the final experiment, elephant toothpaste!

Kaboom! is suitable for children aged 5 and up. After the show, kids have the opportunity to pose for a photo with Magnus D. Magnus and ask him any science questions they are curious about.



For more information please visit the Adelaide Fringe website.

At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change.

As per all our Play & Go reviews, this is not a sponsored post. The Play & Go team review via media accreditation and when kindly invited.

All photos by Play & Go Adelaide


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