Library and Information Week | 25-31 May 2015


Library and Information Week 2015

If you haven’t taken advantage of the fabulous services at your local library yet, or want to find out more about what they offer the community, make a note to visit during Library and Information Week taking place from the 25th to 31st of May 2015.  The 2015 LIW theme is ‘Imagine’.

The week aims to raise the profile of libraries and information service professionals in Australia and gives libraries and information services the opportunity to showcase their resources, facilities, events, contacts and services through different programs and events to the community.

Library and Information Week provides the community with the opportunity to:

  • find out about the wide range of services which local public and school libraries offer;
  • recognise the vital role which libraries and information services play for research and education;
  • recognise the contribution of specialist libraries for the work outcomes in corporations, government departments, hospitals and other institutions;
  • debate our information future and government approaches to it;
  • emphasise the significance of libraries in the maintenance of our history and culture at community and national levels;
  • recognise the importance of library and information services as providers of services for people who may otherwise be disadvantaged by their lack of access to information and services;
  • consider the role which libraries play in our local community, work and personal life.


Monday 25 May 2015  |  Australia’s Favourite Books – This year they are searching for Australia’s favourite or most borrowed books.

Tuesday 26 May 2015  |  National Library Technicians’ Day – this day provides the opportunity for library technicians to promote ALIA, the profession, and their role in libraries and to celebrate their many achievements.

Wednesday 27 May 2015 – National Simultaneous Storytime – READ MORE HERE

Thursday 28 May 2015  |  Libraries celebrate Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea

Friday 29 May 2015  |  Together we are stronger: ALIA Day

For more information visit the Australian Library and Information Association website.

What:  Library and Information Week 2015

When:  25 – 31 May 2015

Where:  National Event

Who:  All Ages

At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change.

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