Play & Go Adelaide Reader Survey


Have you got a spare five minutes to answer some questions?

Play & Go Adelaide has been running for about 18 months now and in that time we have published over 1,100 stories about activities and events for Adelaide families and kids.  A huge Thank You to the 151,000 plus visitors we’ve had on our website during this time, a number that increases steadily each month.  To help us grow, we would love to know a little bit about what you like (or don’t like) and what you’d like to see more of. The only way we can find this out is to ask you, our readers, to take part in our survey.

We would be ever so grateful if you would spare a few minutes to answer our quick 20 question survey. All participants are also given the option at the end of the survey to go into the draw to win a Family Pass to visit the Adelaide Zoo.

Simply click the button below to start our survey.



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