The Park Lands Project | Tuthangga/Carriageway Park | 16 May 2021

The Park Lands Project – Free One-Day Festival

The Park Lands Project is a free one day art, music and citizen science meets nature festival as part of the 2021 SA History Festival.

The Park Lands Project will feature family friendly site-informed art installations, citizen science workshops plus nature walks and talks.  They invite the public on a micro and macro journey of discovery, to creatively explore the biodiversity significance and adaptive nature of the flora and fauna living in the Adelaide Park Lands Bush For Life sites. 

SA artists – Laura Wills, Rosina Possingham, Louise Flaherty and Belinda Gehlert, have been commissioned to create a series of multi-media and audio artworks. Their outcomes will offer new perspectives of the patterns, habitats and landscapes of the local flora and fauna, informed by local surveys and the specialist knowledge of biodiversity professionals and conservation groups. Each of the artists have involved local schools and community groups in the development of their outcomes. The one day event will also showcase the music of Naomi Keyte.

The citizen science workshops, nature walks, I-naturalist workshops, art and science talks, Butterfly walk to Park 16, plus specific events for kids, will be hosted by Trees For Life, The Nature Conservation Society SA, Butterfly Conservation SA, Nature Play SA and invited biodiversity professionals including Jenny Deans and John Sandham.

They will provide the public an opportunity to increase knowledge and skills in monitoring, conserving and protecting native plants and animals as well as bring greater recognition to the important and at times invisible local research and nature conservation work being undertaken in the area.

A Welcome to Country by Kaurna elder Michael Kumatpi Marrutya O’Brien will address how Indigenous people build their empirical knowledge of the natural environment through action and stories

The Park Lands Project is a collaboration between Nature Conservation Society of South Australia, Trees For Life, Hunter Gatherings and OSCA. The project organisers acknowledge that this event takes place on Kaurna land. Its Sovereignty was Never Ceded.

This is a bike friendly, COVID-safe event and will be Auslan signed with disability access support.



12pm | Art installations open / Music by Naomi Keyte

12:30pm | Opening by the Lord Mayor Sandy Verschoor & Welcome to County by Michael Kumatpi Marrutya O’Brien

1pm – 3:30pm | Family friendly events inc nature walks, citizen science workshops, I-naturalist workshops, art and science talks, a Butterfly walk to Park 16, plus specific events for kids.

3:30pm | Music by Naomi Keyte

The Park Lands Project is proudly supported by Inspiring South Australia, the City of Adelaide, Green Adelaide and the Commonwealth of Australia as represented by the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science.


things to do in Adelaide for families

For more information and all enquiries please visit the OSCA website.

What:   The Park Lands Project

When:    Sunday 16 May 2021 | 12pm – 4pm

Where:  Tuthangga/ Carriageway Park (Park 17) | Corner of South Tce & Beaumont St, Adelaide

Who:   Everyone

At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change.

Image Source: OSCA


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