Unvanished is an artistic collaboration between acclaimed Barkindji artist Kent Morris, Studio John Fish and sound designer James Henry, Unvanished is an immersive installation that brings together nature, industry, story and technology.
Inspired by Morrisโ photographic practice, the three-sided sculptural form references land, water and sky, as well as First Peopleโs cultural continuity through time โ past, present and future. It connects industrial and residential buildings with Indigenous design elements on shields, boomerangs and spears; objects of identity, invention resilience and survival.
The soundscape provides a constant heartbeat, representing the continuation of culture, knowledge and identity and deepening a sense of narrative in the artwork. Dynamic lighting tightly synchronises with the sound and highlights the sculptureโs physical form. The experience is further amplified by an augmented reality filter from tech studio PHORIA that can be accessed via the devices of curious passersby.
Unvanished invites visitors to reflect on the connections between humans, nature and built environments and to understand these relationships from a First Nations perspective.
The installation is free to see and is located at Festival Plaza at Adelaide Festival Centre from 2 – 19 March 2023.
For more information and all enquiries please visit the Adelaide Festival website.
What: Unvanished
When: 2 – 19 March 2023
Where: Festival Plaza | Adelaide Festival Centre, Adelaide
Who: Everyone
At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change.
Image Source: Adelaide Festival website
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