Adelaide Airport Plane Spotting | FREE School Holiday Activity

adelaide airport plane spotting

Adelaide Airport Plane Spotting

To entertain the kids during the school holidays go and try plane spotting.

Plane spotting is a fun, free activity to entertain the kids during school holidays or on the weekend. The Department for Education SA has some ideas for your plane spotting day out:

  • Airplane bingo: Make a bingo card using the logos of the different airlines. Can you mark off all of the logos by the end of the week?
  • Compass tracking: Use a compass to try and work out which direction the plane is travelling.
  • App tracker: log in to a flight tracking app like FlightAware or or FlightTracker for more information about where planes are arriving from and departing to.
  • Counting: Practise counting by tallying up how many planes you see in an hour.

Find out more on the Department of Education website HERE


There are various locations around the airport where aircraft can be observed and photographed.

Inside the Terminal

  • Visitors can view most of the airfield from the large windowed viewing areas at each of the gate lounges.

Tapleys Hill Road

  • On the side of Tapleys Hill Road near the airport this is a very popular spot and a great place to just watch planes come in and taxi past.
  • Runway: RWY 05 Arrivals and RWY 23 Departures.
  • Best time to take photos: Afternoon

West End of Richmond Road

  • This spot gives a great view of the Terminal and allows you to see most aircraft using runway 23 and 05.
  • Runway: RWY 23 Arrivals , RWY 05 Departures.
  • Best time to take photos: Morning

Bike Track on South Eastern side of Airport

  • Bike track that goes along the South Eastern side of the Airport. – Go down Harvey Avenue, turn left at the end and go to the small public park. Walk to the park and there is a path to the bike track.
  • Runway: Closest to Arrivals on RWY 30 and Departures on RWY 12.
  • Best time to take photos: Morning for RWY 23/05, Afternoon For Runway 30/12.


  • A seat where you can sit and watch the aircraft go past – Near the northern end of Adelphi Crescent, walk to the seat
  • Runway: RWY 05 Arrivals, RWY 23 Departures.
  • Best time to take photos: Morning

Skate Park

  • A great spot to take shots of the front or underneath of Aircraft as they go over – Go to the Skate park on Africaine Avenue
  • Runway: Runway 05 Arrivals and RWY 23 Departures
  • Best time to take photos: Anytime of the day.

Harbour Town Premium Outlets

  • You can also do some plane spotting at Harbour Town Adelaide

things to do in Adelaide for families

For more information and all enquiries please visit the Adelaide Airport website.

At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change.

Image Source: Adelaide Airport website


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