Adelaide Bite vs Melbourne Aces | FREE Entry & Activities | 23 Nov 2017

Free Baseball Game – Adelaide Bite vs. Melbourne Aces on Thursday, 23 November 2017

If you have never been to a professional baseball game before now is your chance to see the Adelaide Bite in a regular season Australian Baseball League game for free.

New major sponsors Mybutcher together with local Riverine Premium Beef are shouting general admission tickets for all South Australians for their first home game of the season.  Join them on Thursday 23 November at 7pm to watch Adelaide Bite play the Melbourne Aces at Active Displays Stadium, West Beach.

Mybutcher is providing a free Riverine Premium Beef sausage sizzle for everyone in attendance. Simply show up to the ballpark to gain entry – gates will be open from 5:30pm.

The day will also include exciting activities for the kids to enjoy including face painting, a petting zoo and pony rides. Thursday’s game is the first of a four-game series vs. Melbourne. The Bite also play Friday 24 November at 7pm, Saturday 25 November at 7pm and Sunday 26 November at 12pm. Tickets for these games can be purchased here.

Mybutcher and Riverine Premium Beef are new sponsors in 2017/18 and want everyone in Adelaide to BITE into baseball this summer. They are giving you every reason to attend on opening night.

Note: This promotion is subject to capacity of 3000.

For more information and all enquiries please visit the Adelaide Bite website.

What:  Adelaide Bite vs Melbourne Aces

When Thursday 23 November 2017 | 7pm

Where Active Displays Stadium, West Beach

Who Everyone

At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change.

Image Source: Adelaide Bite Facebook page

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