Cinema in the Park | Christie Downs | 20 February 2015


Cinema in the Park – Christie Downs Community House

Come and join Christie Downs Community House for a cinema experience under the stars, featuring The Lego Movie.

Bring along a blanket or chairs, bring a picnic or you can purchase food and drink at the venue.

Activities on the evening will include:

  • bouncy castle
  • face painting
  • gian board games
  • photo booth

This is an alcohol and smoke free event. In the event of rain or high winds, the event will be cancelled.

For more information and all enquiries please visit the City of Onkaparinga website or phone 8384 6894.

What Cinema in the Park – The Lego Movie

When:  Friday 20 February 2015 | 5.30pm (movie commences 8.15pm)

Where:  Christie Downs Community House | cnr Flaxmill & Morton Rosds, Christie Downs

Who:  All Ages

At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change.

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