Cycle of Change | Empowering Youth Initiatives in Northern Adelaide

Cycle of Change

MAS National and Lighthouse Youth Projects have been contracted by the Department of Jobs and Small Business to deliver the Empowering Youth Initiative, Cycle of Change, to disengaged youth in Adelaide’s Northern suburbs. The Cycle of Change program combines vocational and non- vocational workshops with BMX riding.

The program delivers multiple workshops, supporting participants in the development of knowledge and skills, addressing barriers to employment. The BMX acts as a vehicle of engagement, promoting social inclusion and peer support. Learning to ride a BMX and performing tricks encourages the participants to redirect their thrill seeking and risk taking behaviors into healthier and more positive activities, contributing to the development of self-capability and the sense of achievement.

The participants who successfully complete the program are rewarded through a graduation ceremony and provided with their own BMX bike and helmet. It is important for participants to learn that hard work, persistence and dedication will earn rewards, similar to regular employment and study. The bike represents their achievement, provides a means of transport for future education and work obligations, acts as tool for social inclusion and provides a healthy exercise activity.

The Cycle of Change program promotes authentic, meaningful relationships and experiences. It supports participants into continued learning and sustainable employment pathways and successfully prepares them for life’s transitions.

Lighthouse Youth Projects Inc who facilitate the Cycle of Change program, have in the past run BMX workshops at bike tracks around Adelaide as part of the Splash Adelaide program (the pic below is from one of those sessions at Kurranga Park). They are also involved in the free Oaklands Park Concrete Sessions which are run together with Big Sunday and the City of Marion. Jamie and Ryan, the founders of Lighthouse Youth Projects Inc, are passionate about making a change to the lives of young people through sharing their love of bike riding. Making a connection through BMX riding is a wonderful way for these young people to learn important life skills.

I met with Jamie to talk about their involvement with Cycle of Change and other projects, and already there have been some fabulous success stories. He told of one young graduate who was beaming when he shared his news of gaining an apprenticeship – something he didn’t realise was possible until then. Other graduates have returned to volunteer and help with new participants – what better teachers and role models can you have? These are just some of the many proud moments Jamie and Ryan have had.

Having people who these kids can connect with – who care about what happens to them and are positive role models who offer encouragement, is no doubt a game changer for many. It warms my heart to see such inspiring work and I’m so glad initiatives like this are being supported by government organisations. To be able to let off steam if they need (or to ‘get stoked’ as Jamie and Ryan would call it) by getting on a bike and going for a ride, instead of maybe steering into behaviours that may get them into trouble, is an excellent choice which the guys are pushing. We look forward to hearing more success stories in the future.

Keep up to date with the various projects happening with Lighthouse Youth Projects on their Facebook page here.

How Cycle of Change Works:

Participants from secondary schools in Northern Adelaide register their interest, and are then randomly selected to attend the program. Cycle of Change staff work with Senior Leaders, Student Wellbeing Coordinators, VET Coordinators and Youth Workers to engage students to attend the 15 sessions.

Participants attend the Cycle of Change program for 15 days at a location near their school of enrolment. Every day participants are split into two groups: one group will participate in a workshop that helps them develop work and life skills; while the other group rides – then the groups swap over after a lunch break.

2017 Results:

By the end of 2017, from the 70 participants that completed the program;

  • 23 students have enrolled in further education in 2018
  • 18 have gained employment
  • 7 have secured apprenticeships
  • 2 have engaged in volunteering in their local communities
  • 4 have returned to volunteer in the 2018 program

Cycle of Change Workshops 2018:

The Cycle of Change workshops will be delivered at multiple locations including Stretton Centre in Munno Para, with BMX activities undertaken at a variety of bike tracks including Stretton Centre, Northern Sound Centre and Elizabeth’s bike tracks.
‘Cycle of Change’ program engaged 120 participants in 2017 and there will be a further 180 in 2018. The goal is to have 200 participants successfully complete over the 2 years of the program. The candidate selection will be completely random and is open to all genders, however, must meet below criteria:

  • Aged between 15 – 24 years
  • Enrolled with a school located in the Northern Adelaide region
  • Identified as disengaged or at risk of becoming disengaged and at risk of non-completion of SACE, or equivalent education
  • Not currently in a School Based Traineeship
  • Challenged with barriers to education and employment


For more information and all enquiries please visit the Cycle of Change website here

What Cycle of Change

When: Workshops throughout 2018

Where Locations in the Northern Suburbs 

Who: Northern Adelaide students aged 15 – 24 who are disengaged 

At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change.

Image Source: Supplied


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