How to make Salt Dough | Salt Dough Recipe

Messy Play Salt Dough Recipe

How to make Salt Dough

Looking for some rainy day fun? Salt dough is easy to make. It’s also great for making Christmas ornaments. You could paint your salt dough decorations with white acrylic paint and decorate with red or green ribbons and some glitter. This salt dough recipe is super easy and with only three ingredients you can’t go wrong.

What you’ll need to make Salt Dough

  • 1 cup salt
  • 2 cups plain flour
  • 1 cup water
  • an oven
  • acrylic paints and varnish/polyurethane spray (optional)


Mix dry ingredients, add water and stir. Knead mixture until it forms a dough consistency. Make your creations or use cookie cutters to make shapes. Bake in oven at 180 degrees until dough has dried.


The amount to time needed to bake depends on the size and thickness of the salt dough creations. Salt dough shapes can also be air dried. Once dry, you can decorate with paint.

Thanks for our friends at Playgroup SA for this recipe.

For more information and all enquiries please visit the Playgroup SA website

At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change. Image by Playgroup SA.

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