Mr. Snot Bottom’s Horrible, Terrible, Really, Really Bad, Bad Show | Adelaide Fringe | Review

Mr Snot Bottom Adelaide Fringe

Mr. Snot Bottom – is his Fringe show really that terrible, horrible and really really bad?

By Brooke Hendry

★★★★ 4 stars for nauseating comedy that made our faces sore from laughter

Looking for a downright disgustingly hilarious show to cap off the Adelaide Fringe for another year?

If your kids (and you too!) think that pop-offs, boogers, poo jokes and all the things that gross you out are enticingly rib-tickling, then Mr. Snot Bottom is the man you need to see.

His name says it all! Let’s say it again, followed by the name of his Fringe spectacular… Mr. Snot Bottom’s Horrible, Terrible, Really, Really Bad, Bad Show. Seriously, what’s not to love?

In this horrendous, yet chucklesome, act you get to spend an hour with Mr. Snot Bottom as he attempts to give the audience the most exciting show opener they’ve ever seen. It’s just too bad that absolutely everything seems to go wrong for the poor guy.

Is it because he really is just repulsive, nauseating, awful and icky? Well, yes, he is all of these things, but maybe there’s also something else going on here? We’re not going to give the answer away, to find out you’ll need to go and watch the performance. But we can say, this show is definitely one that will keep you entertained, and will make your face sore from laughing.

Mr Snot Bottom Adelaide Fringe

We loved how Mr. Snot Bottom involved the audience in his wacky adventures – both as volunteers and as victims! The impromptu audience participation really added to the laugh out loud moments (and there were plenty of those). There’s also an excellent take-home message (delivered via way of a catchy rhyming song) of how important it is to be proud of your own differences and to be accepting of others.

This horrible, terrible, really, really bad, bad show really isn’t really bad at all. It’s light-hearted, comical, side-splittingly silly, a bit bizarre, witty and enjoyable (but don’t tell Mr. Snot Bottom that we said that!)

If you’ve got a sense of humour that encompasses ‘toilet-type’ jokes and playful slapstick comedy, then get your tickets quick. He’s a popular man and the line-up was pretty long, with a sold-out show when we attended. 

Mr. Snot Bottom can be found stinking out The Factory, in the Garden of Unearthly Delights – with only 2 shows left on the final weekend of the Fringe, both 14 and 15 March 2020 at 2.30pm.

After the show you can meet the man himself and also purchase his signed posters, dvd’s, and gooey slime.


The Factory Mr Snot Bottom Adelaide Fringe

Mr Snot Bottom Garden of Unearthly Delights

Adelaide Fringe Family Friendly Shows Events Reviews

For more information, please visit the Adelaide Fringe website.

At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change.

All images by Play & Go


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