Silo Art Trail South Australia

Photo credit: Annette Green for Australian Silo Art Trail.

Follow the Silo Art Trail in South Australia

If you happen to be taking a country drive around South Australia, make sure you keep your eyes open for some of the incredible artwork gracing our rural silos.

These amazing artworks have been created by a variety of talented artists from interstate and overseas who have literally gone to great heights to create their masterpieces.

We think the artworks are simply fantastic as they capture the essence of Australia, the outback and rural communities.

Towns to Visit in South Australia with Silo Art:


Artist: Guido Van Helten (Brisbane artist)

Read more here

Farrell Flat (Clare Valley)

Artist: Jarrod Soden and Matt Knights of Perplswet Designs 

Read more here

Farrell Flat silo art


Artist: Cam Scale (Melbourne)
These silos light up at night.


Remember to stop and enjoy the new Waikerie Nature Play Park. Read more here



Artist: Heesco Khosnaran



Artist: ! N I T S U A

‘Photo by Anthony Howaa for Paint Cowell’s Silos’


Giant Mural

Negative feedback about a proposed wall mural in Millicent led London-based Artist, Fin DAC to instead donate his time to create a giant mural on the kindergarten wall of Allandale East Area School.

The artist was invited by a local teacher to share his skills and talent and, in conjunction with locals including year 12 student Caitlyn Millard, the giant mural was created. Fin DAC and his artwork has provided inspiration to young students, encouraging them to pursue their interest in art.

Silo Art on the cards for Paringa

Paringa Silo Art is currently a concept at the funding stage and is rapidly gaining community support, having achieved necessary approval from local stake holders and Renmark/Paringa Council.

Paringa Silo Art  are wanting to paint a Mural on our Silos in the centre of our little town Paringa (pop 1000) here in the Riverland of SA.
It will be a great tourist attraction and help our Community substantially.With a total cost of over $100,000 it is an ambitious Project for our small Community, but we will give it our best effort and now ask for your support.
Paringa Silo Art Project  will become the Gateway to The SA Silo Art Trail positioned on the mighty Murray River immediately prior The Paringa Bridge.


Creating the Silo Art

Watch this video to get an understanding of how these amazing artworks are created from start to finish.

If you are interested in finding out more about Australian Silo Art visit the Australian Silo Art Trail website or Australian Silo Art Trail Facebook page.


things to do in Adelaide for families

At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change.

Image Source: see above photo credits


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One Response to “Silo Art Trail South Australia”

  1. January 5, 2021 at 10:41 am #

    Remarkable work on those silos, They must have been a depressing site before the artistry..
    I wondered how they got up there.
    I would love to have that work platform over here, too.

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