Which Bin? Tips to Help Families Dispose & Recycle Rubbish Correctly

Which Bin? Tips to Help Families Dispose & Recycle Rubbish Correctly

Did you know South Australians are the best recyclers in the nation?  Yet we can still do better by reducing our contamination and putting rubbish in the correct bins.

It’s so important to dispose of rubbish correctly and recycle as many items as possible at home, at school and at work.  We are fortunate to be provided with collection services for most things we no longer need, but knowing where to put them is the key.

If you’re not sure ‘which bin’ and more importantly, why it goes in that bin, the Which Bin? website is full of handy and simple tips that will help you get the most out of your recycling efforts.


  • Green Organics Bin
  • Yellow Recycle Bin
  • Avoid
  • General
  • E-Waste


Green Organics Bin

The general rule for the green organics bin is “if it grows, it goes.”

Examples include:

  • food waste
  • cardboard egg cartons
  • greasy pizza boxes and paper bags
  • shredded paper and post it notes
  • nail clippings and hair (including pets)
  • garden and grace clippings
  • pet waste
  • pencil and wood shavings


Items that CAN NOT go in the Green Organics Bin include:

  • NO nappies (not even those that claim to be biodegradable or compostable)
  • NO plastic bags – not even degradable bags (they should only be placed into your general waste bin)
  • NO foam
  • NO plastic trays or pots

Yellow Recycle Bin

The following items can be placed in your yellow bin:

  • glass jars
  • cans and tins
  • plastic containers
  • newspapers
  • wine bottles
  • empty aerosol cans
  • takeaway containers
  • aluminium trays and foil (scrunch to size of a small fist)
  • cardboard and paper (not shredded)
  • metal and plastic buckets
  • hard plastic

10c Recycling

In South Australia cans, glass bottles and plastic bottles with a 10c deposit label can go in your yellow bin, however you can also take all 10c deposit items to collection depots in return FOR CASH (great pocket money exercise for kids!) Find a location here.

Recycling Lids

Plastic lids from milk, juice and soft drink bottles can be collected inside of a clear plastic bottle along with other small plastic items such as cutlery, straws and bread tags. Other plastic lids from butter, margarine, yogurt and ice-cream tubs can also be placed inside. Push the small lids through the top opening of the bottle or make a slit down the side of the bottle to make it easier to place larger plastic items in. Once the bottle is full, place it in your recycling bin.

Steel metal lids from cans and jars can be placed inside of a steel can. Once the can is full, squeeze the can together at the top to prevent the lids from falling out. Then place it in your recycling bin.

Aluminium screw-top lids from wine bottles can be gathered with aluminium foil, so that they bind together into a ball around the size of a tennis ball, then placed in the recycling bin.

Items that CAN NOT go in the Yellow Recycle Bin include:

  • NO electronic items
  • NO foam
  • NO pyrex or ovenproof glass
  • NO shredded paper
  • NO nappies (not even those that claim to be biodegradable or compostable)
  • NO food or liquids
  • NO textiles (clothing etc.)
  • NO plastic bags or soft plastics (plastic bags and other soft plastics can be placed in the REDcycle bins found at Coles and Woolworths)

More Tips

You can also learn about how to avoid, reduce and reuse waste:

Spring Clean

Spring is always a great time to declutter and clean up around the house, and Winter is the best time to start preparing. Which Bin? have listed five easy steps to decluttering and cleaning up your shed, yard and home – read more here.

Play an online interactive game and test your knowledge –  Stuff at Home – Put it in the Right Bin

Check out the helpful tips for a Plastic Free July

things to do in Adelaide for families

For more information and all enquiries please visit the Which Bin? website.

At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change.

Image Source: Which Bin? Facebook page


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