Adelaide Park Lands Trail | Walk or Ride around the City with Kids

Adelaide Park Lands Trail

The Adelaide Park Lands Trail is a 19.5km loop around the city that families can explore by foot or on bikes.  

The City of Adelaide is surrounded by beautiful park lands and there is a family friendly trail 19.5km long that loops right around the city. You can choose to explore all of it at once or a sections at a time on foot or by bike. The trail showcases our unique Park Lands and the footpath is marked by large blue dots on the ground.

The 19.5 km loop is all on a sealed footpath and a cycle of the trail can take approximately two hours.  It’s a great activity for older kids confident on a bike, or for young families who just want to ride a small section. The majority of the trail is also pram friendly and dogs can be walked on a lead.

Watch the video below to see the entire loop in just over four minutes.

There’s so much to see on the park lands trail with plenty of places to stop for rest, a play at a park or a bite to eat.  You could easily make a day of it there’s so much to see and do.  

There are 8 stops marked on the map (but you’ll find many more along the trail):

  1. Pityarilla Activity Hub / Marshmallow Park
  2. Rymill Park / Murlawirrapurka Lake (Park 14)
  3. Adelaide Botanic Garden
  4. Glover North Playspace
  5. North Adelaide Activity Hub (Courts, Garden, Playspace)
  6. Bonython Park / Tulya Wodli
  7. West Terrace Cemetery
  8. Veale Gardens (near the Princess Elizabeth Playground)

View or Download the Trail Map here

Along the trail you will discover the many beautiful parks that make up the Adelaide Park Lands and you will soon discover why in 2021 Adelaide became the world’s second National Park City after London at the World Urban Park Congress.

You can also discover the many stories of our people, places and events through the City of Adelaide’s 80+ physical storyboard signs installed at various locations around the Adelaide Park Lands and Squares.

More ideas to explore in Adelaide:

City of Adelaide’s Best Playspaces for Kids

River Torrens Linear Park Bike Ride

Best Ideas for Free Family Fun in the City of Adelaide

things to do in Adelaide for families

For more information and all enquiries please visit the Experience Adelaide website.

At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change.

Image Source: photos by Play & Go


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