Belair National Park Open Day & Grey Box Day| 3 May 2015


Belair National Park Open Day

Sunday 3 May 2015  |  10am-4pm

Upper Sturt Rd, Belair – Meet at Gums Oval, inside the park.

  • children’s activities
  • guided walks with Friends of Belair National Park
  • orienteering with Onkaparinga Hills Orienteering Club
  • guided bike rides and obstacle course with the South Australian Mountain Bike Association
  • free tennis and basketball court hire
  • nature education activities
  • guided tours of Old Government House
  • displays and giveaways
  • CFS community education

Grey Box Day Native Plant Sale

Put a piece of natural heritage in your backyard by ordering your plants today and collecting them on 3 May 2015.  There is free entry to Belair National Park to collect your Grey Box Day seedlings and you can then stay and enjoy the events and activities as part of the park’s open day.

Grey Box Day aims to increase the extent of the nationally-endangered Grey Box Grassy Woodlands by putting local native plants back into home gardens.  Traditionally, in South Australia, these woodlands extended from Sellicks Hill to Burnside, mainly along the Hills Face and Adelaide Plains. However since settlement its distribution has been reduced from approximately 20,000 hectares to less than 2,000 hectares with most of the remaining woodland threatened by weeds, introduced animals and development.

This successful native plant sale is now in its seventh year.

SEEDLING COST: $10 for a 6 pack or $30 for 20 native plants.  CLICK HERE for more information.

For more information and all enquiries please visit the Natural Resources website here.

What Belair National Park Open Day & Grey Box Day

When Sunday 3 May 2015  |  10am – 4pm

Where:   Belair National Park | Upper Sturt Rd, Belair

Who:  All Ages

At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change.

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