Fremont Park Playspace Review | Elizabeth Park

fremont park playground

Fremont Park Playground Review

Corner of Main North Road & Yorktown Road, Elizabeth Park

Officially opened in August 2020, families can  enjoy the all-abilities aspects of the spacious playspace, with plenty of shelters, picnic tables and BBQs. There is a full-size basketball court, and it’s set amongst the picturesque park, with a creek running alongside it.

There are many areas of the park with soft fall surface, rather than bark chips, which make it accessible for wheelchairs. There is plenty of space between equipment too so will allow children to spread out and not be on top of each other.

Take a little look around in our video here:


The playground equipment design, features elements from the ideas of local students, including nearby Elizabeth North Primary School.

The park is obviously designed so that visitors can play for a while, have parties, picnics, get togethers with family and friends as there are many shelters with picnic tables and bbqs all around the perimeter of the playground. This is probably the most shelters and tables we’ve seen at a community park.

There are toilets, including a full size disabled one, which includes a changing place for those who cannot use a standard accessible toilet. 

The playground is a combination of brightly coloured traditional play equipment and also some nature play components.

There’s something for all ages with most equipment suitable for those under 12 years old.

The four seated swing is fun for whizzing around thrill seekers.

The flying fox is a double one so you can race a friend. However it does not have an accessible seat for little ones or anyone disabled.

The swing below is a different design to the ones at other playgrounds which allow for two to sit together. You can put a toddler on one seat and sit on the other one to swing together, or you could swing two children at once.

Accessible Play Equipment 

There are a number of features and equipment which make it accessible for disabled children.

There is a liberty swing specially designed to accommodate a wheelchair. The swing was installed as a joint project between the City of Playford and the Variety Club of SA.

To use the swing you can obtain a key for free from either the Elizabeth Aquadome or the Playford Civic Centre during opening hours. For more information, contact Council on 8256 0333.

The roundabout below is suitable for wheelchairs.

There are three in-ground trampolines that are suitable for wheelchairs to bounce on.

Musical equipment also feature with this xylophone below, and other interesting things to bang and create music. While there are paths, there is bark in this area so I’m not sure if a wheelchair can access as easily. 

Bring along some chalk to draw on the blackboards.

The only slide is a small one for younger children. It sits on a little hill with big rocks to climb on the other side. There is a large shade sail over the slide and the soft fall at the front makes it easy for little ones to climb. 

The Playground Chat board allows children to communicate non-verbally. 

The full size basketball court is fabulous for older kids and there are grassy areas for ball sports too.

A water fountain and bubbler is provided where you can fill up your drink bottle with drinking water.

The paths all along the edges of the playspace would suit scooters and little bikes.

Shade sails have also been installed over the Fremont Park All Abilities play area.

They provide safer and more comfortable play on mild to moderate sunny days for the carousel, spinning top, climbing/spinning rope tower, hamster wheel, hurricane swing, Liberty Swing, slide and climbing steps. (But it is still best to stay home during the scorchers!)

Things to Consider

Be mindful that people use the paths along the playground for walking, some with dogs. Please note that the playspace is not fenced at all and the park is popular for recreation amongst others in the community. You don’t want your speedy gonzales on their scooter bowling over an elderly person going on a leisurely walk.

If you have a young ‘runner’ they will need to be supervised. There is a creek (although currently there is no water running) right near the play area and the car park is adjacent. Over the other side of the car park  is a busy road. 

Dog Friendly

Two dog parks – a first for the Elizabeth area – open to the community at Fremont Park on Saturday 7 October 2023.


Fremont Park is located at the corner of Main North Road and Yorktown Road, Elizabeth Park (car park and entrance from Yorktown Rd) MAP

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For more information and all enquiries please visit the City of Playford website.

At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change.

Image Source: Photos by Play & Go 2020


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