How to Make Amazing Invisible Ink at Home

How to Make Amazing Invisible Ink

You might be familiar with lemon juice invisible ink, but we’ve discovered a better, more colourful invisible ink that really is invisible until you brush it with special “revealing” paint!

Even better, you don’t need heat like you do for lemon juice ink. All you need is bicarbonate soda, water, turmeric and hand sanitiser.

How to make the ink:

Mix some bicarbonate soda into water. You don’t need to be precise with quantities, about two teaspoons in one cup of water is sufficient. Use warm water to help dissolve the bicarb.

Use a small paintbrush to write or draw on white paper, then set aside to dry.

How to make the “revealing” paint:

Mix some ground turmeric into liquid hand sanitiser. Again, you don’t need to be precise with quantities. A teaspoon or two in one cup or less of sanitiser works well. Mix thoroughly.

When your invisible ink is dry, simply paint over it with a large brush to reveal your artwork in bold, dark pink with a yellow background!

Things to consider:

  • While these household ingredients are fairly safe, supervise young children. Bicarb and turmeric are non-toxic, but you don’t want anyone ingesting hand sanitiser.
  • Watery sanitiser works better than gel sanitiser, but either will produce great results.
  • Put newspaper or similar under your paper when painting with the turmeric solution. Turmeric stains, and the stains can be hard to remove!
  • For best results, make sure your invisible ink is dry before painting over. The colours will come out stronger and sharper if the invisible ink is dry.

things to do in Adelaide for families

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Image Source: photos by Play & Go Adelaide


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