Bonython Park | Nature Activity Hub & Play Space | Playground Review

Bonython Park Playground view

Bonython Playspace Playground Review

Bonython Park was officially opened on 16 December 2012 and is a hugely popular destination for families.  Conveniently located on the edge of the City, it also features a fabulous cafe and is surrounded by beautiful parklands.

Bonython Park is an all accessible playground situated along side the SAPOL Road Safety School ‘Learn to Ride’ cycling track. Between the playground and the car park there is a great expanse of grassy area, perfect for large gatherings. There are many picnic spots with tables and benches under shady trees, and there are bbq and toilet facilities.

Bonython Park

Highlights of Bonython Playspace

Here are some of the highlights we love:

A huge sand pit with bones to discover; slides; swings and some unique things to spot, like the timber carvings of Kupe (wood grubs that lived in Redgum).

Bonython Park

A big double flying fox. My kids have already been on this about a hundred times and think it is pretty neat. It is similar to the one at Hazelwood Park Playground. In fact, if you love Hazelwood Park, you will love this play space as there are similar elements.

Bonython Park

Spider web climbing net

The huge spider web climbing net has all sorts of additional things attached to add to the climbing experience.

Bonython Park

Bonython Park

Swings and water play

There are all kinds of swings as well, including basket and hammock swings as well as traditional ones.

Bonython Park

One of the favourite things (there are many!) would have to be this water apparatus. Push the button and water pumps out of the spout into the water trough and runs down into the water wheel, along the stone path, winding its way to the huge sandpit.

Bonython Park

Along the way there are gates to open and close to let the water pass. All the young ‘Water Engineers’ love it! It is great to watch the interaction and cooperation amongst them and you can see the huge potential for imaginative play. This water contraption could entertain my four year old son for hours!

Tip: perhaps bring a towel and change of clothes as they are likely to get a bit wet…and sandy, if they are keen on getting into the sandpit as well.

Bonython Park

Bonython Park

Hamster Wheel/Mouse Trap

The hamster wheel/mouse trap provides plenty of active fun as the kids run to keep it moving round and round.

Bonython Park

Merry Go Round

This roundabout whizzing thing (or merry go round) is fantastic. Sunken into the ground, with seats to sit on and rails that lift up – so clever and fun! And probably a little safer than the ones that are raised up from the ground.

It is made so that children in wheelchairs can also join in, which is the fantastic thing about this play space – it has been designed for all abilities.

Bonython Park

Cafe Bonython

This laidback, riverside spot is a hit for ice cream, coffee and light fare, including hot breakfasts and is open 7 days a week. 

Read our review of Cafe Bonython here

The playground is bordered on this side by a hill drop down to the Linear Park bike track and the Torrens River. Just a note that if you have little ones, especially ones who are ‘wanderers’ or ‘runners’, careful supervision will be required as the bike track is popular with cyclists and the Torrens is just on the other side. It is not a fenced play area.

There is a timber platform for watching the ducks on the River. A sign asks that you do not feed the birds here.

Duck Pond

The duck pond is a great spot to walk around, watch the ducks and also try out your remote controlled boats (preferably not near the ducks). Watch out for a lot of duck poo in some areas though!

Bonython Park

Bonython Park

The old playground is still there, near the pond, with equipment more suited to younger children.

Bonython Park

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Bonython Park

Our tips, and our verdict on Bonython Playspace

As you can expect the playground gets pretty busy during the day. We found that visiting late in the afternoon and having dinner there meant there were less people. You could have a bbq, or like us, grab some take-away from Port Road. At this time of the day there were tables and benches free and it’s a lovely option on a beautiful summer’s evening.

My kids have rated this playground 5/5 and we have already visited three times since it opened less than two weeks ago, and each time we’ve stayed for hours. It’s free. It’s fun. The kids get plenty of exercise. What’s not to love?

Bonython Park Playspace is a great initiative by the Adelaide City Council and the State and Australian Government. Interesting and fun play spaces which make kids want to re-visit over and over again is great for encouraging kids and families to be active. And to get out and enjoy the great outdoors together.


Police Barracks

The Police Barracks neighbour the Park so you can see the Police horses nearby. There are hills to run up and down, and plenty of ducks around the rejuvenated pond.

SAPOL Road Safety Centre

The SAPOL Road Safety Centre is located at the south-west corner of the Thebarton Police Barracks.

Children can bring along their own bikes to try out the mock roadway, which duplicates road conditions children are likely to encounter when riding their bicycle on the street.

Read more about it here

Adelaide Gaol

Step back in time at the Adelaide Gaol, one of the oldest remaining colonial public buildings in Adelaide and also the site of some of the State’s more interesting past. Open for business from 1841 to 1988, the Gaol was one of Australia’s longest continuously operational prison facilities.

Read more about it here.


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things to do in Adelaide for families

For more information please visit the Adelaide City Council website.

What:  Bonython Playspace/Tulya Wardli (Park 27), off Port road near Adelaide Gaol

When: Every Day

Where:  Bonython Park, Port Road, Adelaide | Entrance to car park via traffic lights on Port Road. Turn right at traffic lights when heading North on Port Road.

Who:  Families

At Play & Go Adelaide we make every effort to provide accurate information to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. We recommend confirming times, dates and details directly before making any plans as details may be subject to change.

Image Source: All photos by Play & Go


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5 Responses to “Bonython Park | Nature Activity Hub & Play Space | Playground Review”

  1. May 24, 2013 at 4:16 pm #

    Fantabulous!!!! Best discovery in Adelaide for years. So excited … will be regular visitor!

  2. January 4, 2015 at 5:28 pm #

    Good story..was just wondering if the car park spaces are free or have a time limit? This grandma cant walk too far and cannot pay for car parks. Thanks

  3. January 5, 2015 at 1:18 pm #

    Yes, there is a free car park close by, however it is often full so you may have to wait for a park on busy days.

  4. February 2, 2017 at 2:53 pm #


    Does this park have any water fountains?

  5. February 21, 2017 at 7:28 pm #

    There is a water pump play feature.

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